Insurise Capital provides financing options to individuals and businesses for commercial insurance premiums. Although our niche specialty is within commercial trucking space, we can offer manageable cash flow solution for any business. We offer competitive rates as well as flexible terms & conditions. We work with each client individually to tailor our products to their specific needs.
With several locations throughout the United States and customer service representatives available around the clock, we can handle any request in a timely manner. Our Company was founded based on simple principles: honesty, integrity, and always doing the right thing no matter what. We always have our customers’ back and proudly offer best customer service, seamless quoting process and most competitive rates. Please give us a call today to learn how we can save you money and help you grow your business!
Insurise Capital, Inc. provides financing options to individuals and businesses for commercial insurance premiums. Although our niche specialty is commercial trucking, we can offer manageable cash flow solutions to any business. We offer competitive rates, as well as flexible terms and conditions. We work with each client individually to tailor our products to their needs. With several locations throughout the United States and customer service representatives available around the clock, we can handle any request promptly.
We provide flexible and convenient premium finance options that suit your unique needs. Whether you are an individual seeking coverage or a business looking to secure financing for your insurance premiums, we have the expertise and resources to support you. Our services include:
Access the funds you need to pay insurance premiums upfront with flexible repayment options tailored to your financial situation.
Spread the cost of your insurance premiums over a manageable monthly installment, allowing for better cash flow management.
We work closely with insurance agents, brokers, and carriers to create customized premium finance solutions that align with your requirements.
The following methods of payment are accepted at Insurise Capital
We accept all credit card and e-check payments through our online payment portal. Processing fees will apply.
Accounts may be set up to be drafted electronically either from your checking account or credit card.
Submit payments via check or money order to: Insurise Capital, Inc. PO Box 102641 Pasadena, CA 91189-2641 For electronic check processing, please call us at (307) 228-8882
With years of experience in the industry, we have a deep understanding of insurance financing and can provide expert guidance every step of the way.
We offer flexible terms and repayment options, ensuring that our solutions are tailored to your financial circumstances and goals.
Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, from the initial consultation to ongoing support throughout the life of your policy.
You can count on us to deliver reliable and transparent premium finance solutions, helping you secure the coverage you need with confidence.
Ready to take control of your insurance premiums? Contact us today to learn more about our premium finance solutions and how we can help you achieve your financial goals.
This will vary based on your loan origination date. Due date is usually listed on a payment coupon. If you cannot locate it, please call or email us.
Here at Insurise Capital we are trying to be environmentally friendly, therefore we tend to encourage our customers to receive their statements via e-mail or set up automatic monthly payments. However, if you would rather receive payment coupons, we can definitely arrange that. Feel free to call or e-mail us at any time to have that adjusted.
Please call our office anytime you have any questions. Phone number is:
If there is outstanding balance on your account, it will need to be brought to current status to avoid being reported to the collection agency.
It varies by policy, but policy fees are usually fully earned and non-refundable.
On occasion Insurers will include minimum earned clause in their policy. This refers to the minimum amount of premium or percentage of premium they have to earn in order to write specific policy/ offer coverage. It varies by company, but it is usually no more than 25% of premium (excluding fees and taxes).
We partner with insurance agents to offer premium finance options to their clients as part of their service portfolio. Our solutions enable agents to provide value-added services to their clients, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. We support agents with efficient tools and resources to facilitate the premium financing process, saving them time and effort.
We offer insureds the convenience of paying their premiums through flexible financing options. Our premium finance solutions allow insureds to manage their cash flow more effectively by spreading the cost of insurance over management installments. We provide insureds access to higher coverage limits and broader insurance options that may have otherwise been unaffordable.
We collaborate with insurance carriers to offer premium finance solutions that enhance their ability to sell insurance products. Our services give carriers a competitive advantage by making their policies more accessible to a broader range of customers. We streamline the premium payment process for carriers, reducing administrative burdens and ensuring timely receipt of premium payments.
Thank you for your interest in Insurise Capital, Inc. premium finance solutions. Whether you are an insurance carrier, insured, or insurance agent, we are here to assist you with your premium finance needs. Please feel free to reach out using the contact information provided below, and one of our dedicated representatives will be in touch with you shortly.